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Class Descriptions

Anusara Style

A focus on physical alignment principles and a heart centered theme, layered with the relevance of yogic philosophy in every day life. A variety of poses will be explored through skillful sequencing. Levels 1-2 or Levels 3-4 as specified on schedule.

The Rocket

Rooted in, combined with and restructured from the Primary & Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Yoga as well as key postures from the 3rd and 4th advanced series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. First called "Rocket Yoga" by Bob Weir of The Grateful Dead, because he said, "It gets you there faster."

Power Hour

If your schedule is as tight as your hamstrings, this Power Vinyasa class is for you. Open to all levels.

Slow Flow

Slow Flow encourages an inward focus, with creative, fluid sequencing designed to build strength, and balance body and mind.

Freedom Flow

Using the breath to guide our practice, Freedom Flow aims to free up blocked energy we could otherwise be using to better experience our lives. Focus is on alignment and honoring your inner teacher. Open to all levels.

All Level Vinyasa

This flow class offers fun, creative sequencing. Modifications and alternative poses are given, allowing students to explore their edge know matter what their level of practice.

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